We're excited to share with you that our founder, Jane Stephenson, will receive the Berea College Service Award on March 24 in a special convocation. Jane and Appalachian scholar and activist Michael Maloney will be honored for creating ... [Continue reading]

News & Events
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We’ve hit the ground running
Whew! We’ve had a busy week, with four different online programs. Our graduates gathered on Zoom Monday, February 21, for a discussion of the book Dimestore by Lee Smith with our friends from Altrusa. A three-day program February 21-23 ... [Continue reading]
Living out her mission
NOSW’s executive director, Sister Robbie Pentecost, shared her passion for this work in a recent interview with Global Sisters Report, a project of National Catholic Reporter. “I have always been drawn to work with those on the margins, whether ... [Continue reading]
Support, resilience and surprises
Three NOSW graduates joined author Cassie Chambers for a conversation about the resilience of women, what folks get wrong about Appalachia and more on December 6 on Zoom. Raised in Berea and Owsley County, Kentucky, Cassie is the author of the ... [Continue reading]
NOSW grads gather for reunion
Women from several classes across three decades caught up with their sisters, reflected on their NOSW experience, played games and received awards at the NOSW graduate reunion. Gathering on Zoom on December 4, graduates shared their reasons for ... [Continue reading]
Author of Hill Women to join NOSW grads
We're excited to welcome Cassie Chambers, author of Hill Women, for a discussion with NOSW graduates on December 6 on Zoom. Cassie grew up in Berea and Eastern Kentucky, earned degrees from Yale and Harvard, and came back to Kentucky as a ... [Continue reading]
Workshops explore health, creativity and more
A door closed when we canceled our two-week residential session because of rising COVID numbers, but a window opened for something new. October 11-15, which would have been our first week of the residential session, we brought women online for a ... [Continue reading]
CANCELED: Festival of Trees
We've made the difficult decision to cancel the Festival of Trees, scheduled for November 12-13. Though it was to be our biggest fundraising event of the year, we've decided it's just too risky to bring folks together when COVID-19 is still affecting ... [Continue reading]
NOSW grads retreat to reflect and plan
Five NOSW graduates and four staff recently spent a long weekend together near the Red River Gorge, reflecting on where the program has been and where it can go. Graduates Amanda Gadd (2018), Barb Harvey (2018), Tami Gentry (2016), Sarah Rose ... [Continue reading]
Opportunities—even in a pandemic
The New Opportunity School for Women holds space for women to do intensive self-development work, and we’re grateful we can continue to hold that space even during a pandemic. Throughout this spring and summer, women across Appalachia took part in ... [Continue reading]
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