Dear friends of NOSW,

On April 19 I was elected to the Leadership Team of my religious Congregation, the Sisters of St. Francis, Oldenburg, as the 1st Councilor. As such I will be leaving my position as Executive Director of the New Opportunity School for Women. While this was an exceedingly difficult decision to leave my name in the pool for elected leadership knowing what it would mean, the call of my community at this time was strong and I felt I could assist my Congregation with developing plans for our future.
I am deeply saddened to be leaving the work of the New Opportunity School for Women, which over these past seven years has brought me profound joy, but I do so knowing that we have a well-qualified and experienced staff who can carry on this important work and that I leave the organization on solid ground with direction for its future growth. I am extremely grateful for all of you who have touched my life over these seven years and will miss the laughter, energy and joy that fills our hallways during sessions. I hope to remain connected to NOSW and be able to carve out time to volunteer.
My end date is June 30, although my last day at the school will be June 22, 2024. The search for my replacement is underway. Click here for the full position description. If you would like to apply, please email a resume and cover letter to:
Executive Director Search
Or by mail to:
Executive Director Search
New Opportunity School for Women
204 Chestnut Street
Berea, KY 40403
With an incredibly grateful heart,
Sister Robbie Pentecost